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Bazza the Bear

For Writing this week we have been focusing on our descriptive language. We have been looking at adjectives, smiles and metaphors. We first created an acrostic poem to describe Bazza then when used this to create our stories. Bazza the Bear is our House Colour Bear. Green House won last week so currently Bazza is wearing a Green House Colour top.      


One day I opened my eyes I looked around I hopped off the whiteboard and did a double Check around the room ok, no one is in here. Let’s go into the 3 other rooms to check that now one is in them. Is anyone here? I said  no response. Ok that’s good now one is in here ether let’s see if the other room has anyone in there good now one is in here either. I got one of the teachers chairs and was playing on it and then I got hungry so I went into the kid’s bag’s to get a snack. There was some good stuff in them. I went into one of the rooms to watch a movie. The movie was young Sheldon but then I thought that I heard something so I quickly turned off the TV. And ran to the board and fell but I couldn’t move or he would get caught then I heard a thad thad thad To be Continue…..     

Kate Sheppard- Kindness Week


Because it is Kindness Week we are looking into Aotearoa Upstanders. I chose to research Kate Sheppard as she stood up for woman to vote in 1893 she is now on the 10 dollar bill she died in 1934.